Catharine Beecher
September 6, 1800- May 12, 1878
Many folks are not aware of this of this interesting lady, foremost because she has such famous family members (Harriet Beecher Stowe, sister, and father Lyman Beecher). But actually, Catharine was probably, in her years, just as famous if not more than her sister. Likened as the "Martha Stewart" of her day, Catharine wrote books on how to maintain the household. However, that was not Catharine's main passion, instead, she was a pioneering advocate of education for women, especially young girls. She saw education as the pathway for young girls to become productive wives and mothers. Catharine opened numerous schools for girls, and promoted education ranging from calisthenics to math. Catharine insisted that society was underestimating the potential of women as the most apt, because of their femininity, to be teachers (It should be remembered that most educators at this point in time were men). Interestingly, Catharine was vehemently against woman suffrage, never had children, and never married.
Cheers, Ms. Beecher